- Nov012015Atheneum Team
Article | Electronic Voting Solutions: Regulatory landscape & future outlook
inCONFERENCE CALLS Support requested: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the market for electronic voting solutions in Russia Provide first-hand knowledge…
- Oct152015Atheneum Team
Article | High-End Audio Equipment: Consumer trends & supply chain best practices
inCONFERENCE CALLS Support requested: Provide in-depth insights into the audio and broader consumer electronics market in China and India Gain…
- Oct102015Atheneum Team
Article | Online Vehicle Diagnostics: Competitive strategies for market success
inON-SITE VISIT & EXPERT-BACKED REPORT Support requested: Provide a thorough assessment of an online vehicle diagnostics company in Germany Ensure…
- Sep272015Atheneum Team
Article | How is digital transforming the customer experience journey?
inIn the last decade, Customer Experience has transformed beyond recognition. The advent of the digital era has given rise to…