Mock Payer Negotiation Workshop at Client Site


Mock Payer Negotiation Workshop at Client Site

Expert Placements


Simulating a real-life reimbursement negotiation session with Payers from EU5, involved in the reimbursement process for PSCK9i, i.e. lipid-lowering therapies treatments

Top Insights Collected

​Successful negotiation of pricing matrix for new products with selected authorities

Valuable training material with key learnings regarding reimbursement negotiations

Atheneum Solution

7 pre-screened experts were selected by the client for the workshop, after having short screening calls with the experts

Atheneum helped the clients’ team with all logistics, including travel, transport to and from site etc.

Experts were from the 5 selected countries and titles submitted included Chief Policy Officers, Associate Professors Health Economics and Heads of Reimbursement