Article | Bio-Inputs Market Dynamics

Article | Bio-Inputs Market Dynamics
8th December 2015 Atheneum Team


Support Requested:

  • Gain overall market and business intelligence of agricultural market in South Africa, with a focus on bio-inputs ( bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides, i.e. with a living organism)
  • Ensure a comprehensive understanding of fertilizer/pesticide market and players in South Africa
  • Provide insights on the value chain of bio-inputs and specificities of the market by understanding, for example, suppliers/distribution companies and legislation on homologation


  • Leveraging the existing Atheneum Expert Platform to identify the most distinguished niche experts
  • Engaged and interviewed leading experts including, Area Managers in South Africa, Senior Consultants and Key Account Managers
  • Provided the client with full interview transcripts translated to English, while delivering rapid turnaround and ensured seamless end-to-end project management

Insights Gathered:

  • Market general overview; Distribution channel evolution (economics & sales structure of various channels, merchandising requirements by channel, economics of delivery); Requirements towards suppliers/distribution companies; Negotiation agreement, key management process, structure
  • Provided insights on distribution network of bio-inputs, as well as suppliers, with a focus on the main players in the region
  • Atheneum completed the project within 1 month from its launch, while ensuring highest compliance standards